Soul Sister Quotes in Celebration of Sisterhood


Soul Sister originally referred to "a black woman" and was "a term of address among black people." A kindred spirit is a woman whose thoughts, feelings, and attitudes are closely like those of another woman; the phrase has gradually been modified to reflect this.

When women stand shoulder to shoulder and support one another, there is nothing more beautiful in our opinion at Sister & Soul. We love hearing stories of friendship.

Ten friendship quotes that define what it means to have and be a Soul Sister are being shared in honor of sisterhood.

Why not send them to your best friend, a companion you hope to have for life?

Soul Sisters makes you feel at home.

1. ‘And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, ‘Oh there you are! I’ve been looking for you.’ - Iain Thomas

 "And then my soul kind of saw you."

2. ‘Soul Sisters keep us sane.’ - Anonymous

Soul Sisters can read your facial expressions and interpret the silence.

3. ‘Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you have to say. Soul Sisters listen to what you don’t say.’ - Anonymous

Soul Sisters keep each other's business and are loyal to a shared story.

4. ‘We are more than just friends. We are also accomplices and alibis.’ - Anonymous

Soul Sisters have a similar sense of humor and sense of play.

5. ‘A Soul Sister is someone whose kind of crazy compliments yours.’ -Anonymous

Soul Sisters can be trusted and always relied upon. 

6. ‘I found someone to whom I can tell everything without hesitation. Someone who lifts my spirit and loves the imperfection in me. Someone who will not hurt me intentionally and who will support me all the way.’ - Anonymous

Soul Sisters have a proven track record of love and support.

7. "What do you call the intense shared history between two people?" when there is no way to separate them? The Soul Sisters Sue Colasanti

Soul Sisters have compassion for one another. They always give each other the benefit of the doubt and are nice and sympathetic.

8. Soul Sisters are spirits that comprehend one another, according to quote  - Unknown

Soul Sisters feel like they are of the same stock regardless of their ethnicity, age, or background. They have similar goals, attitudes, and opinions.

9.'Soul Sisters are distinct flowers from the same garden,' says one. - Unknown

Our lives are made sweeter and more exciting by Souls Sisters.

10. "Soul Sisters are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life." - Unknown

Those who we call upon as Soul Sisters during unexpected

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